
This is some of the worst code I've ever written. This repository will be taken down soon.

Edit: this was intended to be a project for a certain embedded systems course. I was hoping to create something that resembles (kinda) a general-purpose OS that would run on the cortex m4f MCU that we were using for the course. Ended up with a pile of junk because I totally wasn't able to spend a lot of time cuz other courses, but ps/2 keyboard works, sd card works, ls and cat works, process-like-thingies exist, and there's some functions that supposed be something called system calls (oh, and did I mention the ESP01 wifi module, a shell (kinda), and the half working locks interpreter, the cough useless file system which I wrote from scratch and nearly killed myself in the process cuz i totally underestimated the complexity of file systems cough, etc). I was REALLY disappointed with the end result, but meh. ig I'll keep the repo public for a bit longer.