
Hardhat plugin for Aragon App development 👷

Primary LanguageSolidity

Aragon Hardhat plugin

Hardhat plugin for publishing Aragon apps to Aragon Package Manager.

Required plugins

This plugin requires:


yarn add --dev @1hve/hardhat-aragon @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers hardhat-deploy

And add the following statement to your hardhat.config.js:


Or, if you are using TypeScript, add this to your hardhat.config.ts:

import '@1hive/hardhat-aragon'
import '@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers'
import 'hardhat-deploy'


This plugin provides the publish task, which allows you to publish an Aragon app to the Aragon Package Manager.


hardhat [GLOBAL HARDHAT OPTIONS] publish --contract <STRING> [--dry-run] [--only-content] [--skip-app-build] [--skip-validation] bump [...constructorArgs]


  • --contract: Contract address previously deployed.
  • --dry-run: Output tx data without broadcasting.
  • --only-content: Prevents contract compilation, deployment, and artifact generation.
  • --skip-app-build: Skip application build.
  • --skip-validation: Skip validation of artifacts files.

Positional Arguments

  • bump: Type of bump (major, minor or patch) or semantic version

  • constructorArgs: Constructor arguments for the app contract. (default: [])

Config extensions

You need to add the following aragon config to your hardhat.config file:

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    mainnet: { ... }
  aragon: {
    appEnsName: string // counter.open.aragonpm.eth
    appContractName: string // Counter

Additionaly you can also configure the optional aragon and ipfs configs:

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    mainnet: { ... }
  aragon: {
    appEnsName: string // counter.open.aragonpm.eth
    appContractName: string // Counter
    appRoles: Role[]
    appSrcPath: string // app/
    appBuildOutputPath: string // dist/
    appBuildScript: string  // build/
    ignoreFilesPath: string // .
  ipfs: {
    url: string // https://ipfs.infura.io:5001/
    gateway: string // https://ipfs.io/
    pinata: {
      key: "YOUR_PINATA_API_KEY"

Where Role has the interface:

interface Role {
  name: string // 'Create new payments'
  id: string // 'CREATE_PAYMENTS_ROLE'
  params: string[] //  ['Token address', ... ]

Finally the plugin also extend the hardhat network configuration to allow a custom appEnsName and ensRegistry per network:

networks: {
    hardhat: {
      ensRegistry: '0xaafca6b0c89521752e559650206d7c925fd0e530',
    rinkeby: {
      appEnsName: 'counter.aragonpm.eth',
      ensRegistry: '0x98df287b6c145399aaa709692c8d308357bc085d',

Environment extensions

This plugins adds an ipfs object to the Hardhat Runtime Environment.

This object has the same API that ipfs-http-client.

This object is already initialized and ready to interact with the IPFS network. You can configure the node url to connect with on the hardhat.config file.

The plugin default url is http://localhost:5001/ assuming you have a local IPFS node at that endpoint running. You can configure a custom url node like https://ipfs.infura.io:5001/ if you don't want to run your own node.