This project is the implementation of Epic Games Online Services via Unreal Engine. The purpose of this project is to have all the integrations with EOS in a single project so it can be re-used.
This implementation is totally focused on Dedicated Servers.
- Dedicated Server Session ✅
- Session Creation ✅
- Session Finding ✅
- Session Joining ✅
- Matchmaking ✅
- Stats ✅
- Query Stats ✅
- Update Stats ✅
- Achievements 🚧
- Leaderboards 🚧
- Player Data Storage ❌
- Anti-Cheat ❌
- Title Storage ❌
- Lobbies ❌
- Friends ❌
- Parties ❌
- Presence ❌
- Steam Crossplay ❌
- Make sure to have the right artifacts configured and you got one for the client and one for the server
- Make sure you have two clients on your Epic Games Portal one for the client and one for the server
- Change your artifacts every time you package your server or your client
- Include the OnlineSubsystem modules on your
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "OnlineSubsystem", "OnlineSubsystemEOS", "OnlineSubsystemUtils", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "HeadMountedDisplay", "EnhancedInput" });
- Include a Login button to avoid crashing problems
- Always remember that Stats names should always be Uppercase or it can lead to Epic Games API not recognizing your key value