Predictive Maintenance with Spark and MongoDB

This project uses Apache Spark and MongoDB to develop a predictive maintenance model for detecting equipment failures based on sensor data.

Project Structure

  • The Spark application that builds the predictive model.
  • predictive_maintenance_spark_mlib.ipynb: Testing the model
  • The script to load sensor data into MongoDB.
  • sensor_data.csv: The CSV file containing sensor data.
  • Dockerfile: Docker setup for running Spark with MongoDB connector.
  • docker-compose.yml: Docker Compose file to run Spark and MongoDB containers.

Running the Project

  1. Start MongoDB and Spark using Docker Compose:

    docker-compose up
  2. Load data into MongoDB:

    docker run -it --network spark_mongo_network -v $(pwd):/app python:3.8-slim python /app/
  3. Run the Spark application:

    docker exec -it spark1 bash
    spark-submit /opt/bitnami/spark/app/

Model Acuuracy

Random Forest Logistic Regression