Chat server implemeneted using Node.js. To be used over telnet.
Prerequisites :
- MongoDB
- Node.js
- Mongoose module
- net Module
- Make sure the port you are using for the chat server is free and not used by any other process.
Modules used are :
- Mongoose
- Net
Config :
Chat server setting need to be done here : chatserver/config/server/server.js Parameters that can be set from this config file are : 1. Server Port 2. Server Address 3. Client timeout period (microsecond)
Database server setting that need to be done here : chatserver/config/db/dbconfig.js Note : Currently logged in user should have access to the database being used. No database username password is allowed.
- Server address.
- Database Name
User Documentation :
To start the server type after going indside the chatservr folder that you checkout : node chat.js OR nodemon chat.js (if you are looking to do some development)
Use following command to connect : telnet localhost 5000 ; (if running and chat server on localhost)
Type quit without any space to quit the chat.
Type listall without any spaces to list all users currently logged in.