- chysiRivero AG
- clsourceNinjas CL
- DaVinci789none
- dmoaAntarctica
- drhayes@glg
- eigenbomMelbourne, Australia
- ericoportoRio de Janeiro
- flamendless
- fuzzwizardPortland, OR
- gbcasanovaCasanova Games
- griffi-ghPoland
- groverburger
- hardpenguinWarsaw
- haroldo-ok
- idbriiCanada
- iiviigamesiiviiGames
- JettMonstersGoBoom@MonstersGoBoom
- jrasanenInternet
- MatthewBlanchardAtlantic City, New Jersey
- nagoloveZeroSoft
- Nelvin
- Nimor111Sofia, Bulgaria
- pablomayobreNewCombin
- pakeke-constructorUniversity of Canterbury
- potatonomicon
- qeffects@If-Insurance
- RaycatWhoDat@MaskedCatStudios
- remyroezJapan
- return5mississippi
- russmatneyBrooklyn, NY
- Salvakiya
- SheepolutionThe Netherlands
- Shoozza
- tobiasvl@unioslo
- yangruihanTencent
- zetefat the keyboard