
A repository of QT C++ desktop application for advanced implemented computer vision algorithms and techniques from scratch

Primary LanguageC++

CV-Toolbox: Filters, Histograms, Gradients, Frequency, Contours

Table of contents:


  • Add various noise types to images such as uniform, guassian & salt-pepper noise.
  • Filtration of noisy images using low pass filters such as: average, Gaussian, median filters.
  • Edge detection using variety of masks such as: Sobel, Prewitt, Roberts and canny edge detectors.
  • Change RGB images to grayscale
  • View histograms of images and show equalization & normalization of image.
  • Add frequency domain filters such as low-pass, high-pass & Gaussian filters.
  • Mix images in frequency domain to get Hybrid images.
  • Apply Hough transform for detecting parametric shapes like circles, ellipses and lines
  • Apply Active Contour Model for semi-supervised shape delineation.
  • Extract the unique features in all images using Harris operator
  • Generate feature descriptors using scale invariant features (SIFT).
  • Match the image set features using sum of squared differences (SSD) and normalized cross correlations (NCC).
  • Apply thresholding using optimal thresholding, Otsu, spectral thresholding (more than 2 modes), local & global thresholding.
  • Do unspervised segmentation using k-means, region growing, agglomerative and mean shift methods.
  • Detect faces (color or grayscale)
  • Recognize faces based on PCA/Eigen analysis

Toolkit Folders

  • ActiveContours: Includes active contours class related codes

    • active_contour.cpp /.h
    • image.cpp /.h
    • utils.cpp/.h
  • FaceRegonsition: Includes face detection and recognistion code including pca and eigen analysis

    • detectFaces.cpp /.h
  • Filters : Includes implementation for filtration functions (requirements 1-3)

    • edgedetectors.cpp/.h
    • noiseaddiatves.cpp/.h
    • imagesmoothers.cpp/ .h
    • threshold.cpp/ .h
  • Frequency : Includes implementation for frequency domain related tasks

    • fouriermixer.cpp/ .h
  • Harris: Includes Harris Corner Operator Class

    • harrisoperator.cpp/ .h
  • Helpers : Includes the helper functions used all over program like converting images to view them.

    • helperfunctions.cpp/ .h
  • Histograms : Includes implementation for histogram related tasks.

    • histograms.cpp/ .h
  • Hough: Includes implementation classes of hough transform of Lines, Circles & Ellipses

    • houghcircle.cpp/ .h
    • houghellipse.cpp/ .h
    • houghline.cpp/ .h
  • Segementation: Includes segementation classes

    • kmeanssegmentation.cpp/ .h
    • meanshift.cpp/ .h
    • agglomerative.cpp/.h
    • regiongrowing.cpp/ .h
  • SSD_NCC: Includes SIFT & image matching classes

    • ssd_ncc.cpp/ .h
  • Thresholding: Includes Thresholding related tasks

    • Thresholding.cpp/ .h
  • UI files: has the ui files

    • mainwindow.cpp/ .h/ .ui
    • filterwidget.cpp/ .h/ .ui
    • histogramswidget.cpp/ .h/ .ui
    • houghwidget.cpp/ .h/ .ui
    • mixingwidget.cpp/ .h/ .ui
    • facerecognitionwidget.cpp/ .h/ .ui
    • matchingWidget.cpp/ .h/ .ui
    • segementationWidget.cpp/ .h/ .ui
  • Assets : folder contains program assets like UI SVGs, images to test implementation & Cascading Face Classifer xml file.


- Qt Version 6.4.2
- Qt Charts
- OpenCV 4.7.0

How to run the project

  • Download and Install Qt from the online installer using minGW 64 architecture.

make sure that QtCharts is enabled

  • Download and build openCV 4.7.0 from their website
  • if you don't know how to build openCV on your PC please refer to the installCV.md

  • Go to the project.pro file and make sure that openCV libraries are refered to in your pc like that.

INCLUDEPATH += <yourCV build folder path>\install\include

LIBS += -L<yourCV build folder path>\release\lib \
    -lopencv_calib3d470                 \
    -lopencv_core470                    \
    -lopencv_features2d470              \
    -lopencv_flann470                   \
    -lopencv_highgui470                 \
    -lopencv_imgproc470                 \
    -lopencv_imgcodecs470               \
    -lopencv_photo470                   \
    -lopencv_stitching470               \
    -lopencv_ts470                      \
    -lopencv_video470                   \
    -lopencv_videoio470                 \
    -lopencv_objdetect470               \
  • Build the project
  • Run the project

Project Overview

  • Filters Tab Filters Tab
  • Hybrid Image Tab GrayScale Tab
  • Histograms Tab Histogram Tab
  • Hough Trasform & Active Contours Tab Hough Tab
  • Harris & SIFT Tab Harris & SIFT Tab
  • Segementation Tab Segementation Tab Face Detection & Recognistion Tab Face Detection Tab


Second Semester - Computer Vision (SBE3230) class project created by:

Team Members' Names Section B.N.
Ibrahim Mohamed 1 2
Mahmoud Yaser 2 30
Maye Khaled 2 40
Marina Nasser 2 12
Omnia Sayed 1 14

Submitted to:

  • Eng. Peter Emad & Eng. Laila Abbas All rights reserved © 2022 to Team 5 - Systems & Biomedical Engineering, Cairo University (Class 2024)