Monotropism Questionnaire - I am not a doctor. This is not diagnosing anything. Questions taken from: https://osf.io/4wru2

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Monotropism Questionnaire

BEFORE YOU BEGIN!!! I am not a doctor. I am a bored webdev who thinks self diagnosing is valid. This is not diagnosing anything, compare your scores to the results of the data from the initial validation study and continue to research. Thank you for the team involved in this study for putting together the questionnaire, and all those who have made suggestions and helped make this app better.

Questions taken directly from: https://osf.io/4wru2 and scored based on their findings.
Original License info: This questionnaire is published under a Creative Commons license, CC-BY-NC-SA. Full text for this license can be found on the Creative Commons website here.

Original Credit: Garau, V., Woods, R., Chown, N., Hallett, S., Murray, F.,Wood, R.,Murray, A.& Fletcher-Watson, S. (2023). The Monotropism Questionnaire, Open Science Framework. This is a pre-print, meaning it is currently awaiting peer review.

I do not own the questions, or content in the questions; I do not store or collect this information please see the source code if you are concerned it is open source. All processing is done in YOUR browser in memory, no data will ever be sent to me, or anyone else. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please go to the github repo here and submit an issue, and I will be glad to assist!

All this site is for is to make taking the questionnaire easier, and I was bored, and too lazy to tally up the score myself... and yes I know that making this site was far more work than just doing a bit of adding... Take it here