DISCLAIMER: This project was made for research purposes. Anything you do with this code is on you and is not my responsibility.
This malware is designed to activate when a user visits a banking website, the malware will check the window title against a set of hardcoded values to see if they are on certain sites. This set of hardcoded values can be expanded by simply adding them into the banktitles variable:
If a banking title is matched the keylogger is started but if it is not matched the malware will simply keep running until the user visits a website that matches one in the hardcoded list.
Once the keylogger is started, the malware will save a file called db.txt in the %TMP% directory.
The dropper associated with this malware is simple: it checks all the running windows to see if they have the words "Process" or "Windows Task Manager" in them as these usually indicate the file is being analyzed (EX: Process Hacker, Process Monitor, etc), if any windows have this in their title, it doesn't continue running.
NOTE: This hardcoded list of processes that is checked before continuing execution can be expanded by changing the xprocesses variable:
Otherwise, it checks if the victim is already infected by searching the %TMP% directory for a list of files. If the victim is already infected, the dropper will send off the collected keystrokes to a remote server which is specified in the 2nd parameter of the Pigeon function via GET request. If the victim isn't infected, it copies itself to the %TMP% directory with the 01.exe name & creates a scheduled Task to run itself every 12 days at 12:00 noon. Finally, it downloads the keylogger & names it ursakta.exe.
Change the IP address of the server (2nd parameter to the Pigeon) function as well as the URL for the main keylogger file (1st parameter to the Pigeon function). The pigeon function is called in main:
Cross-compile from Linux to Windows using mingw
64-bit (for the dropper):
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc input.c -o output.exe -lurlmon -lwininet
32-bit (for the dropper):
i686-w64-mingw32-gcc input.c -o output.exe -lurlmon -lwininet
64-bit (for keylogger):
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc input.c -o output.exe
32-bit (for keylogger):
i686-w64-mingw32-gcc input.c -o output.exe
Once the window monitor starts (ProcKill), it attempts to kill off the keylogger (using system(taskkill /F /T /IM keylogger.exe))
if it doesn't detect the main window (the window the user is currently working in) being related to anything banking related.
NOTE: It compares a hardcoded list of banking related titles to the current working window, this hardcoded list can be expanded by simply adding in window titles:
The current working window above is the command prompt, so it attempts to kill off the keylogger (in this case, named svart.exe).
Now, the current window above is the Wells Fargo banking site, so the keylogger is started & ProcKill checks to be sure that it is running before starting it again. If it's already running, it prints out "[!] svart is already running!".
If the user changes their current working window & the keylogger is running, we can see the "SUCCESS" message, indicating that the keylogger was killed off due to the user changing windows.
And if a window such as Process Hacker is detected, the keylogger is opened & overwritten, before:
As far as the keylogger goes, it's fairly basic, the way it exfiltrates the logged data is by sending a GET request to a specified IP address. That IP address should have an Apache server running & logging GET requests. The file dropper.c is responsible for data exfiltration & schedules itself to run every 12 days to exfiltrate the data.
- Add a feature that constantly checks for processes that involve system imaging (such as FTK) & if it finds it, kill all running processes related to the malware & remove itself.