
Game based off real time risk

Primary LanguagePython

Based on Real Time Risk by davidMcneil

Alt text

Note: Must have python and pygame installed

To Start Game:

  • unzip directory into desired location, this path is hence called directory


  • open terminal
  • "cd directory"

Start a server:

  • run "python server.py arg1 arg2"
    • arg1 = port number
    • arg2 = number of players 1-4
  • ex.) "python server.py 5555 3" starts game on port 5555 with 3 players

Start specified number of clients one for each player:

  • run "python client.py arg1 arg2"
    • arg1 = host machines IP address
    • arg2 = port number same as server
  • ex.) "python client.py 5555" connects to local-host on port 5555

Note: Game only starts after all clients have connected

Game Play

  • Left click to select country to move armies from
  • Right click to move armies into target country
  • Left click and drag for selection box (only selects own countries by default)
  • Shift-left click and drag for freeform selection
  • Shift-right click and drag for freeform deselection
  • Ctrl-backquote (the ` symbol) to switch between own-territory select and enemy territory select modes
  • Ctrl-tab to switch between pass-through enemy territory mode and pass-through own territory modes
  • (deprecated) Number keys change quantity of armies moved


  • Server receive thread runs once every 0.1 seconds which means if you click too quickly then the clicks (move commands) simply won't be registered by the server.

Note: The game quickly digresses into maniacal clicking