
Set up minimal bug bounty environment, No more bloatware.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

3Ple B (Bug Bounty Bundle)

3Ple B License

3Ple B stands out for its portability and efficiency. It streamlines the setup process by installing only the essential tools for bug bounty and penetration testing, avoiding unnecessary software. Whether you're configuring a new OS, VMs, or cloud instances, this single script ensures a clean, consistent setup with minimal effort. It keeps your system lightweight and high-performing by focusing only on what's needed.

Screenshot 2024-09-04 131650


The 3Ple B script handles:

→ Installation of essential programming languages and package managers like Go, CMake, Pip, and Cargo.

→ Automated installation of various bug bounty tools, including subdomain enumeration, fuzzing, web reconnaissance, and more.

→ A detailed list of recommended wordlists to be manually installed for enhanced performance.

Workflow Example

📌 Start Fresh: Boot into a clean OS with no pre-installed bloatware.

📌 Run 3Ple B: Execute the script to automatically install your entire bug bounty toolkit.

📌 Get to Work: Once completed, you are ready to start bug hunting and pentesting without any unnecessary clutter on your system.

Included Tools

unzip wget tar go cmake pip cargo
ruby xsstrike dalfox puredns httprobe naabu hakrawler
gospider LinkFinder SecretFinder subjs xnLinkFinder cors gobuster
nikto wpscan jq x8 urldedupe qsreplace gau
gf waybackurls uro ffuf anew subfinder httpx
nmap dirsearch amass sublist3r assetfinder nuclei massdns
shuffledns paramspider arjun katana sqlmap ghauri


Before using 3Ple B, make sure your system meets the following prerequisites:

  • Operating System: Ubuntu/Debian-based distributions (support for other Linux distributions may vary).
  • Root Privileges: The script uses sudo for package installations. Ensure you have the necessary permissions.
  • Internet Connection: A stable internet connection is required to download the tools and dependencies.

How to Install and Use

1. Clone the Repository

sudo su
git clone https://github.com/1hehaq/3PleB.git && cd 3PleB

2. Make the Script Executable

chmod +x 3pleb.sh

3. Run the Script


The script will automatically check if a package or tool is installed and install it if necessary.

Example Output

[!] go is not installed. Preparing to install...
[*] go installed in 35 seconds
[^] cmake is already installed in your system!

4. Manually Install Wordlists

After running the script, you'll need to manually install the recommended wordlists:

The script will provide the full list of wordlists and corresponding links when it's run.


You can easily modify or extend the script by:

Adding new tools to the tools array in the install_tools() function. Including additional commands for package installations in the install_packages() function. Make sure to follow the existing syntax for consistency.


  • Installation Errors: If the script is unable to install a tool, a message will prompt you to install it manually.
  • Missing Dependencies: Ensure all package managers like apt, pip, and go are installed and functioning properly on your system.


If you have suggestions to improve the script or to add more useful tools, please open a pull request or submit an issue on GitHub. I wish to see a contribution from you!