
Show basic Cisco Meraki information (organization, admins, networks, devices) using Ansible


Ansible with Meraki

Basic Ansible roles and playbooks for working with Cisco Meraki organizations, admins, networks, and devices.

Quick Start

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone https://github.com/1homas/Ansible_Meraki.git
    cd Ansible_Meraki
  2. Create your Python environment and install Ansible:

    pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install pipenv
    pipenv install --python 3.9
    pipenv install ansible jmespath
    pipenv shell

    💡 If you have any problems installing Python or Ansible, see Installing Ansible.

  3. Export your Meraki Dashboard API key into your terminal environment:

    export MERAKI_KEY='EXAMPLE+KEYc320e12ee407159487a4cabc41abb'
  4. Edit the show.yaml file and change the variable meraki_org_name to match your organization.

  5. Run the Ansible playbook(s).

    ansible-playbook show.yaml


The examples in this repository are licensed under the Cisco Sample Code License.
