
Primary LanguageJinjaMIT LicenseMIT


Podman is a free, open-source, drop-in Docker replacement for running containers. These examples deploy containers in podman using Ansible.

There are many registries with repositories of official container images:

  • docker.io (Docker)
  • quay.io (Red Hat)
  • ghcr.io (GitHub)
  • azurecr.io (Microsoft Azure)




For Mac, Podman is provided through Homebrew. Once you have set up brew, you can use the brew install command to install Podman:

brew install podman
brew install podman-desktop       # manage containers via UI
brew install podman-compose       # optional for dockerfiles and Kubernetes

Create and start your first Podman machine:

podman machine init               # default --disk-size=100GB --memory=2GB
podman machine init --cpus=1 --disk-size=50G --memory=2G --volume $HOME:$HOME
podman machine start

Verify the installation using:

podman info

Launch an NGINX web server container:

cat > index.html <<EOF
<title>Hello, World!</title>
<h1 style="text-align: center;">Hello, World!</h1>

podman run \
  --detach --tty --rm \
  --publish 8080:80 \
  --volume $PWD:/usr/share/nginx/html \
  --name nginx \

curl http://localhost:8080

Uninstall at any time :

podman machine rm -f podman-machine-default --force || true
brew uninstall podman podman-compose podman-desktop


  1. Create the Python virtual development environment and install Ansible:
python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip # use a virtual development environment
pipenv install                       # use Python 3.11 (--python 3.11) or later
pipenv install -r requirements.txt   # install required Python packages
  1. Run the virtual environment:
pipenv shell
  1. Verify the list of installed Python packages includes Ansible:
pip list
  1. Verify the Ansible collections includes ansible.posix and containers.podman :
ansible-galaxy collection list

Podman Container Inventory

Use the community.docker.docker_containers inventory plugin with Podman!

  1. Run Podman Desktop
  2. Verify the Docker socket is redirected to podman.sock :
ls -la /var/run/docker.sock
  1. If not, enable Docker Compatibilty in the status bar at the bottom of the window which installs the podman-mac-helper and redirects /var/run/docker to the podman.sock location
  2. Restart Podman Desktop
  3. Copy this docker.yml file to your Ansible inventory directory or specify it using the -i {inventory_file} command line option :
plugin: community.docker.docker_containers
docker_host: unix://var/run/docker.sock
  1. Run ansible-inventory to see your Podman containers!
ansible-inventory --graph
ansible-inventory -i inventory/docker.yml --graph



Example podman commands for managing containers via Ansible :

ansible-playbook podman.yaml --tags containers
ansible-playbook podman.yaml --tags containers -v
ansible-playbook podman.yaml --tags images
ansible-playbook podman.yaml --tags volumes


Use Grafana for monitoring and observability from many different data sources :

ansible-playbook grafana.yaml

Open your web browser to https://localhost:3000 and login with the default username admin and password admin.


Use IT Tools at https://it-tools.tech or run your own local instance:

ansible-playbook it-tools.yaml

Use the local container instance at https://localhost:8080.


ansible-playbook ubuntu