
Comparison of some popular sorting algorithms

Primary LanguageJava

Sorting Algorithm Implementations

Comaprison of some sorting algorithms

For this assignment, you will modify the code sorting.java to fulfil the following requirements.

Problem 1: Implement the insertion sort algorithm which can sort the subarray of the array arr (from low to high, inclusive): private static void insertSort(int low, int high)

Problem 2: Implement the following method which checks if the subarray of the array arr (from low to high, inclusive) is already sorted: private static boolean isSorted(int low, int high)

Problem 3: Create three versions of the mergesort algorithm such that (a) one version uses insertSort when the number of elements to be sorted is less than 100; (b) one version uses isSorted before recursive calls of mergesort: if the subarray is already sorted, then skip the call; (c) the last version uses both ideas of (a) and (b). Compare the performances of three new versions with the original version of mergesort on the same set of examples: 10 instances of 1,000,000 elements, 10 instances of 10,000,000 elements, and 10 instances of 50,000,000 elements (all numbers are in the arrange of 10,000). Give a summary on the average performances of these four versions of mergesort and your conclusions.

Problem 4: Create two versions of the quicksort algorithm which uses different pivots: One uses the median of three elements and one uses the median of three medians (of three elements).

Problem 5: Repeat Problem 3 for the six versions of the quicksort algorithm: (a) one uses insertSort for small subarrays; (b) one uses isSorted before recursive calls; (c) one uses the median of three for pivot; (d) one uses the median of three medians for pivot; (e) one uses (a), (b), and (c); (f) one uses (a), (b), and (d), plus the java built-in Arrays.sort. Please submit your the modified code along with a transcript of its execution in the ICON dropbox for Project2 before or on 10/21/2013. Thank you!