New Challenger

New Challenger is a brand new web app for issuing challenges to the world and trying new challenges to get awesome rewards!


  • Product Owner: Carl Chen
  • Scrum Master: Frances Yang
  • Development Team Members: June Won, Keith Wong, Frances Yang, Carl Chen

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Requirements
  3. Development
    1. Installing Dependencies
    2. Tasks
  4. Team
  5. Contributing


After downloading or cloning, run npm install. There is a post-install npm script that will build and compile the client files using webpack. Then run node server/server.js or deploy remotely.


  • Node 6.2.x
  • Postgresql 9.5.x
  • BodyParser 1.15.x
  • ES6-Promise 3.2.x
  • Express 4.14.x
  • Express-Session 1.14.x
  • Passport 0.3.x
  • Passport-Facebook 2.1.x
  • lodash 4.13.1
  • Sequelize 3.23.x
  • pg 6.0.2
  • pg-hstore 2.3.2
  • React 15.2.1
  • React-DOM 15.2.1
  • React-Redux 4.4.5
  • React-Router 2.5.2
  • React-Router-Redux 4.0.5
  • React-Tap-Event-Plugin 1.0.0
  • Redux 3.5.2
  • Whatwg-Fetch 1.0.x
  • Materialize
  • Material-UI 0.15.x


  • Babel-core 6.10.x
  • Babel-loader 6.2.x
  • Babel-preset-es2016 6.9.x
  • Babel-preset-react 6.11.x
  • Webpack 1.13.x
  • ESLint 2.9.x

Installing Dependencies

From within the root directory:

npm install


View the project roadmap here


See for contribution guidelines.