
Test for Tesseract

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Test for Tesseract

Commit Message Rule


Use it when you complete something.

Ex) Complete: new version. ver.1.2.2 or Complete: Message features.

Bug Fix:

Use it when you fix a bug. Describe detail of bug after colon.

Ex) Bug Fix: fixed the bug of timestamp at message feature.


Use it when you begin to work on new features.

Ex) Initiate: Message feature or Initiate: AR features on users' cameras


Use it when you add small program to big features.

Ex) Implement: Fetch messages from the server.


Use it when you edit a file not for bug fix nor implementing new fatures, such as change name of variables, edit structure of the class, or make a program readable. Describe the reason of edit also.

Ex) Edit: Add more rules of git commit comment


Use it when you add images, libraries, and some other sources. List name of files you added.

Ex) Add: navBackBtn.png, navEditBtn.png, profile.png


Use it when you deleted some files.

Ex) Delete: ViewContoller.h, ViewController.m