
A Neovim Jira plugin

Primary LanguageLua


A Neovim plugin for Jira

🚧 Note: Work inprogress


Plugin Manager Install with...
Pathogen git clone https://github.com/vipul-sharma20/nvim-jira ~/.vim/bundle/nvim-jira
Remember to run :Helptags to generate help tags
NeoBundle NeoBundle 'vipul-sharma20/nvim-jira'
Vundle Plugin 'vipul-sharma20/nvim-jira'
Plug Plug 'vipul-sharma20/nvim-jira'
VAM call vam#ActivateAddons([ 'nvim-jira' ])
Dein call dein#add('vipul-sharma20/nvim-jira')
minpac call minpac#add('vipul-sharma20/nvim-jira')
manual copy all of the files into your ~/.vim directory


  • Get API access token for JIRA and set it to JIRA_TOKEN environment variable

    export JIRA_TOKEN="RANDOM123"

  • Set Jira user name as JIRA_USERNAME environment variable

    Eg: export JIRA_USERNAME="user@domain.com"

  • Set Jira host as JIRA_HOST environment variable

    Eg: export JIRA_HOST="https://example.atlassian.net"

  • Set Jira project as JIRA_PROJECT environment variable

    Eg: export JIRA_PROJECT="Some project"

  • Set Jira issue status sort order as JIRA_ISSUE_STATES environment variable

    Eg: export JIRA_ISSUE_STATES="$(echo -en 'to_do\nin_progress\ntesting\ndone')"

    Eg: export JIRA_ISSUE_STATES="$(cat issue_states)"

  • Install lua-cjson (using luarocks: luarocks install lua-cjson)

  • Install luasec (using luarocks: luarocks install luasec)

You might have different Lua versions in your system. We need to install the modules for Lua shipped with nvim.

Check the Lua version of nvim by:

:lua print(_VERSION)

Install modules for this version. Example:

luarocks --lua-version 5.1 install lua-cjson


:h nvim-jira

or check here


Command List
Jira Fetches tickets assigned to you and tickets you are watching. (Tickets are cached for the nvim session)
JiraReload Reload the tickets. Works same as :Jira except it hits the API everytime

Check some keybindings in the documentation :h nvim-jira




Rafał Camlet: https://github.com/rafcamlet/nvim-whid


I have created this plugin to learn how to use the Lua runtime embedded with nvim to build plugins. Things may look ugly and sub-optimal.