
specs for bpow, bexp, blog for the AVM

Primary LanguageGo

specs for bpow, bexp, bln, blog2, blog10 for TEAL


a []byte b combined with the params neg and width is interpreted as a decimal x as follows: ` let $L = len(b) - 1$

$$x^{'} = (-1)^{neg}\sum_{i=0}^{L-1} 256^i \cdot b_{L-i-1}$$

$$x = x^{'} * 10^{-width}$$

b is interpreted as a base 256 number first (bid endian unsigned integer from byte array) and then width applies a shift to the decimal point and neg defines its polarity via its parity.
this represents the current interpretion for opcodes like b+. choosing the same interpretation should make interoperability for opcodes easier.

neg and width are common uint64

bpow widthB widthD widthY

  • Opcode: 0x??
  • Stack: ..., A: uint, B: []byte, C: uint, D: []byte → ..., X: uint, Y: []byte
  • Decimal to the power of a decimal. B and D are interpreted as big-endian unsigned integers.
  • Cost: base cost plus cost dependent on widthY
  • Availability: v9

[(-1)^A * B * 10^widthB] ^ [(-1)^C * D * 10^widthD] = (-1)^X * Y * 10^widthY. widthB, widthD and widthY are uint64. widthY output precision is guaranteed. Calculation is based on the following identity: q^w = exp(ln(q)/w).

bexp widthB widthY

  • Opcode: 0x??
  • Stack: ..., A: uint, B: []byte → ..., Y: []byte
  • e to the power of a decimal. B is interpreted as big-endian unsigned integers.
  • Cost: base cost plus cost dependent on widthY
  • Availability: v9

exp[(-1)^A * B * 10^widthB] = Y * 10^widthY. widthB and widthY are uint64. widthY output precision is guaranteed. Calculation is based on the Taylor expansion of e^q.

bln widthA widthY

  • Opcode: 0x??
  • Stack: ..., A: []byte → ..., X: uint, Y: []byte
  • Natural logarithm of a decimal. A is interpreted as big-endian unsigned integers.
  • Cost: base cost plus cost dependent on widthY
  • Availability: v9

ln[A * 10^widthA] = (-1)^X * Y * 10^widthY. widthA and widthY are uint64. widthY output precision is guaranteed. Calculation is based on the following identity: ln(q) = log2(q) / log2(e)

blog2 widthA widthY

  • Opcode: 0x??
  • Stack: ..., A: []byte → ..., X: uint, Y: []byte
  • Logarithm base 2 of a decimal. A is interpreted as big-endian unsigned integers.
  • Cost: base cost plus cost dependent on widthY
  • Availability: v9

log2[A * 10^widthA] = (-1)^X * Y * 10^widthY. widthA and widthY are uint64. widthY output precision is guaranteed. Calculation is based on the on a binary appromixation that allows arbitrary precision.

blog10 widthA widthY

  • Opcode: 0x??
  • Stack: ..., A: []byte → ..., X: uint, Y: []byte
  • Logarithm base 10 of a decimal. A is interpreted as big-endian unsigned integers.
  • Cost: base cost plus cost dependent on widthY
  • Availability: v9

log10[A * 10^widthA] = (-1)^X * Y * 10^widthY. widthA and widthY are uint64. widthY output precision is guaranteed. Calculation is based on the following identity: log10(q) = log2(q) / log2(10)

use case

many applications in Finance, Math, Science need these functions at least over the rationals

implementation details


no outside libs will be used ~ the code will only rely on big.Intfrom the golang math lib


the representation and algorithms allow for arbitrary precision ~ let the user choose the precision they need and let the opcode cost increase with the target precision there will still be a max, naturally because []byte has a max ~ currently, b+ is limited to 512 bit inputs

error handling

all range violations will result in immediate panic

var types

the following decimal type allows exact representation of all decimal values within a range

// s = n ?? 1 : 0
// (-1)^s * c * 10^q
type decimal struct {
	n bool
	c big.Int // >= 0
	q int64


pow can be reduced to using exp and log as follows

$$ a^b = e^{b \cdot ln(a)} $$


use Taylor expansion:

$$ e^x = \sum_{i} \frac{x^i}{i!} $$


$$ ln(x) = \frac{log2(x)}{log2(e)} $$


log2 will be approximated using the algorithm described here: http://www.claysturner.com/dsp/BinaryLogarithm.pdf

that algorithm uses very basic operations only, like binary shifts and integer arithmetic and works upto arbitrary precision

short description of the algorithm:

  • we want to calc $log_2(a) = b$
  • normalise $a$ such that $1 \le a < 2 <=> 0 \le b < 1$ by halfing $a$ as long as $2 \le a$ and doubling $a$ as long as $a < 1$
  • $2 \le a^2$ is equivalent to the next bit in $b$ being set
  • in a loop, meeting comparing $a^2$ to 2 to keep revealing bits of $b$ until the desired precision is achieved
  • after the comparison in the loop, $a$ is reduced depending on the revealed bit of $b$


$$ log10(x) = \frac{log2(x)}{log2(10)} $$



streams of dev
