The goal of mForex.Matlab API is to provide flexible, asynchronous programming model for Matlab based on mForex API for forex trading.
We are currently conducting beta tests, so our API is only available on demand for demo accounts only. If you would like to participate, please contact us on
In an effort to use Matlab API Client one have to import appropriate namespaces:
asmAPI = LoadAssembly('mForex.API');
asmMatlab = LoadAssembly('mForex.API.Matlab');
Once you have your account ready, you can log in to our server using following code:
% read data from command line
[login, password, serverType] = GetLoginData;
% create API Client and Login
client = ApiClient;
client.Login(login, password, serverType.toDotNet);
Once connection has been established, all relevant data have been setup and are ready to be registered for. ApiClient
provides events which can be subscribed to. However, tick data has to be registered using .RegisterTicks()
For example, to receive and plot every incoming tick of EURUSD one could:
% create plotter
p = Plotter(10);
% create listener
event.listener(client,'Ticks',@(src, evnt) p.Refresh(src, evnt));
% register for ticks
lh = client.RegisterTicks('GBPUSD');
provides convenient order placing mechanism:
% Open sample order
res = client.OpenOrder('EURUSD', mForex.API.TradeCommand.Buy, 1);
% Close sample order
res = client.CloseOrder(res.Order);
NOTE: You can find more information: