
some text shortcuts

#International Volleyball Player Name Text Shortcuts (TextMate)

Remembering all these names is really difficult, and spelling them right is even worse. So here are some text shortcuts to use when writing in TextMate (I use them when reporting matches courtside). This contains two snippet bundles, one for women's and one for men's (not yet finished).

See video demo

###Three snippet bundles

  • mens
  • womens
  • other snippets

Note: don't install men's and women's bundle at once, since the country shortcuts overlap (i.e. Japan mens will conflict with Japan womens)

###Tab Triggers ####For full name j+TAB - brings up Japan Team, then select name:

####For surname only

  • j1+TAB = player no 1, Megumi Kurihara
  • j2+TAB = player no 2, Hitomi Nakamichi
  • and so on, up to no player 20.

####Country shortcuts:

(add a number to bring up a specific player surname, i.e. j1+TAB)

  • al - Algeria
  • ar - Argentina
  • br - Brazil
  • c - Cuba
  • cr - Costa Rica
  • e - Egypt
  • g - Germany
  • i - Italy
  • j - Japan
  • n - Netherlands
  • pe - Peru
  • po - Poland
  • r - Russia
  • se - Serbia
  • t - Turkey
  • u - Usa
  • z - China

Other snippets: Play-by-play tab triggers for note-taking

  • a = serves
  • aa = with a great serve
  • aaa = with an ace
  • b = blocks
  • bb = with a great block
  • bbb = with an incredible block
  • s = spikes
  • ss = with a great spike
  • sss = with an incredible spike
  • d = with a dig
  • dd = with a great dig
  • ddd = with a miraculous dig
  • t = with a tip at the net
  • tt = with a great tip at the net
  • ttt = with a beautiful tip at the net
  • pp = past the defender