
just an experiment in generating weekly roundup posts from the previous week's articles.

Primary LanguagePython

#Weekly wordpress roundup post generator script

Ok. This is a very ugly version of something that I hope works better later. On TechInAsia.com, we do weekly roundup posts, and currently that process in manual. The following is a weekend experiment to see how we might remove some of the heavy lifting through automation.

So far it does the following:

  • Find the date for the previous Monday, and get all posts tagged China that have been published since then. (h/t to ChristopheD for tip on how to do that)
  • Output titles and links as markdown for use roundup post creation.
  • Output description excerpt, which can then be rewritten or modified.

Improvements to come later:

  • Write output to a .md file
  • Include post headers, lead image, footer for roundup post
  • Maybe make use of OSX's 'summary' service to summarize the entire post?