
React project setup from scratch

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React project setup from scratch

This project includes basic setup of react along with webpack and babel, there is no create-react-app is used for this.

Please make that you have Node.js v8.20 and npm v6.4.1 installed.

  1. Make a empty folder and run the below command to generate the package.json file npm init

  2. Now it's time to install the latest React and React-dom npm i react react-dom

  3. Now it's time to add the Webpack, for this we need to run the below command npm i --save-dev webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server after the installation create a webpack.config.js file on the root of your project

  4. Now it's time to install the babel dependecies npm i --save-dev @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react babel-loader


Add .babelrc file on the root of your project { "presets": ["@babel/preset-env", "@babel/preset-react"] }

Quick start

  1. Please make that you have Node.js v8.20 and npm v6.4.1 installed.
  2. Clone this repo using git clone https://github.com/anujjangid/react-boilerplate.git
  3. Install the dependencies using npm install
  4. Start your project using npm run start