
Invoice App

Deployment Link


This is a simple invoicing web app built with ReactJS. The app allows users to create an invoice form and view all the invoices in a grid.


  • Seven fields: Qty, Price, Discount %, Discount, Tax %, Tax, and Total Price
  • Interdependent fields: Discount% and Discount, Tax% and Tax
  • The Total Price field value depends on the rest of the field values
  • Submitting the form appends a row in the grid
  • Editable functionality for all rows in the grid


To use the app, simply clone the repository and run npm start to start the development server. The app should open in your default browser at http://localhost:3000/.

Installation from Github to Node.js

git clone https://github.com/1siikaa/invoiceGenerator

Install Dependencies

The app uses the following dependencies:

  • React
  • React DOM
  • React Scripts

The app is not using any CSS modules for styling.