
Obfuscate a python code 2.x and 3.x

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Intensio-Obfuscator (Beta)

What is this ?

  • Intensio-Obfsucator tool takes a python source code and transform it into an obfuscated python code
    • Replace name of variables/classes/functions to random chars and defined length
    • Remove commentaries, all lines breaks, all print functions
    • Add to each line a random script with an always differents values


  • Python >= 3.5
  • requirements.txt

Files supported

  • Files written in python 2.x and 3.x


git clone https://github.com/Hnfull/Intensio-Obfuscator.git

pip3 install -r Intensio-Obfuscator/requirements.txt

cd Intensio-Obfuscator/intensio/

python3.x intensio_obfuscator.py --help


Features Descriptions
Replace Replace all names of variables/classes/functions defined and remove all line breaks
Padding Add random scripts after each line and remove all line breaks
Rcommentaries Remove all commentaries and all line breaks (this feature is executed by default)
Rprint Remove all print functions and all line breaks
Mixerlevel lower Generate words with 32 chars that replace variables/classes/functions defined in source code and in random scripts if 'replace' or 'padding' features are specified
Mixerlevel medium Generate words with 64 chars that replace variables/classes/functions defined in source code and in random scripts if 'replace' or 'padding' features are specified
Mixerlevel high Generate words with 128 chars that replace variables/classes/functions defined in source code and in random scripts if 'replace' or 'padding' features are specified
  • Replace, Padding, Rprint features can be executed separatly


Parameters Descriptions
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --input source directory - indicate a directory that contain your file(s)
-c, --code language used in input directory, default value: [python], possible value: [python]
-o, --output output directory that will be obfuscated - indicate a empty directory that will contain your file(s)
-m, --mixerlevel length levels of the number of characters for output variables /classes/functions, default value: [medium], possible values: [lower, medium, high]
-r, --replace activate the 'replace' obfuscation feature
-p, --padding activate the 'padding' obfuscation feature
-rc, --rcommentaries activate the 'rcommentaries' obfuscation feature (this feature is executed by default)
-rp, --rprint activate the 'rprint' obfuscation feature
-v, --verbose improve verbosity



Python target files demo


  • Version 1.0.1-x:

    • Code optimization
    • Fix bugs and problems
    • Improved features already present
  • Version 1.1.x

    • Stable version for files written in python 2.x and 3.x
    • Supported files written in C
  • Version 1.1.x

    • Stable version for file written in C
    • Supported files written in C++


  • MIT


  • Intensio-Obfuscator is for education/research purposes only. The author takes NO responsibility ay for how you choose to use any of the tools provided