- Intensio-Obfsucator tool takes a python source code and transform it into an obfuscated python code
- Replace name of variables/classes/functions to random chars and defined length
- Remove commentaries, all lines breaks, all print functions
- Add to each line a random script with an always differents values
- Python >= 3.5
- requirements.txt
- Files written in python 2.x and 3.x
git clone https://github.com/Hnfull/Intensio-Obfuscator.git
pip3 install -r Intensio-Obfuscator/requirements.txt
cd Intensio-Obfuscator/intensio/
python3.x intensio_obfuscator.py --help
Features | Descriptions |
Replace | Replace all names of variables/classes/functions defined and remove all line breaks |
Padding | Add random scripts after each line and remove all line breaks |
Rcommentaries | Remove all commentaries and all line breaks (this feature is executed by default) |
Rprint | Remove all print functions and all line breaks |
Mixerlevel lower | Generate words with 32 chars that replace variables/classes/functions defined in source code and in random scripts if 'replace' or 'padding' features are specified |
Mixerlevel medium | Generate words with 64 chars that replace variables/classes/functions defined in source code and in random scripts if 'replace' or 'padding' features are specified |
Mixerlevel high | Generate words with 128 chars that replace variables/classes/functions defined in source code and in random scripts if 'replace' or 'padding' features are specified |
features can be executed separatly
Parameters | Descriptions |
-h, --help | show this help message and exit |
-i, --input | source directory - indicate a directory that contain your file(s) |
-c, --code | language used in input directory, default value: [python], possible value: [python] |
-o, --output | output directory that will be obfuscated - indicate a empty directory that will contain your file(s) |
-m, --mixerlevel | length levels of the number of characters for output variables /classes/functions, default value: [medium], possible values: [lower, medium, high] |
-r, --replace | activate the 'replace' obfuscation feature |
-p, --padding | activate the 'padding' obfuscation feature |
-rc, --rcommentaries | activate the 'rcommentaries' obfuscation feature (this feature is executed by default) |
-rp, --rprint | activate the 'rprint' obfuscation feature |
-v, --verbose | improve verbosity |
- Read these Documentations before to use Intensio-Obfuscator tool
Version 1.0.1-x:
- Code optimization
- Fix bugs and problems
- Improved features already present
Version 1.1.x
- Stable version for files written in python 2.x and 3.x
- Supported files written in C
Version 1.1.x
- Stable version for file written in C
- Supported files written in C++
- Intensio-Obfuscator is for education/research purposes only. The author takes NO responsibility ay for how you choose to use any of the tools provided