Sickle is a shellcode development tool created to speed up the various steps in creating a functioning payload. Although modules are aimed towards assembler, sickle is geared towards crafting payloads in various languages and is not limited to bytecode.
Sickle can aid in the following:
- Identifying instructions resulting in bad characters when crafting shellcode
- Formatting output in various languages (python, perl, javascript, etc).
- Accepting bytecode via STDIN and formatting it.
- Executing shellcode in both Windows and Linux environments.
- Comparing a bytecode sample to a modified binary.
- Dissembling shellcode into assembly language (ARM, x86, etc).
- Shellcode extraction via objdump (although binfiles never fail!)
A task I found myself doing repetitively was compiling assembler source code then extracting the shellcode, placing it into a wrapper, and testing it. If it was a bad run, the process would be repeated until successful. Sickle takes care of placing the shellcode into a wrapper for quick testing. (Works on Windows and Unix systems):
Sometimes you find a piece of shellcode that's fluent in its execution and you want to recreate it yourself to understand its underlying mechanisms. Sickle can help you compare the original shellcode to your "recreated" version. If you're not crafting shellcode and just need 2 binfiles to be the same this feature can also help verifying files are the same byte by byte.
Sickle can also take a binary file and convert the extracted opcodes (shellcode) to machine instructions. Keep in mind this works with raw opcodes (-r), object files (-obj), and STDIN (-s) as well. In the following example I am converting a reverse shell designed by Stephen Fewer to assembly.
It's important to note that currently bad character identification is best used within a Linux based operating system. When dumping shellcode on a Windows host bad characters will NOT be highlighted.
This tool was originally designed as a one big script, however recently when a change needed to be done to the script I had to relearn my own code... In order to avoid this in the future I've decided to keep all modules under the "modules" directory. If you prefer the old design, I have kept a copy under the DOCUMENTATION directory.
~# sickle -l
pinpoint pinpoint where in your shellcode bad characters occur
run execute the shellcode on either windows or unix
disassemble disassemble bytecode in respective architecture
compare compare two binary files and view differences
powershell format bytecode for Powershell
uint8array format bytecode for Javascript as a Uint8Array directly
python format bytecode for Python
bash format bytecode for bash script (UNIX)
cs format bytecode for C#
ruby format bytecode for Ruby
nasm format bytecode for NASM (useful for encoder stubs)
escaped format bytecode for one-liner hex escape paste (e.g BB)
hex_space format bytecode in hex, seperated by a space (e.g 65 77 77 74 72 30 00 6b)
hex format bytecode in hex (e.g 657777747230006b)
perl format bytecode for Perl
javascript format bytecode for Javascript (neatly then into a Uint8Array)
python3 format bytecode for Python3 (minor changes to the language but they matter)
dword format bytecode in dword
c format bytecode for a C (aka the best language in history)
java format bytecode for Java (e.g (byte) 0xBE, (byte) 0xEF)
num format bytecode in num format
If you decide to opt-out of the disassembly functions and only want to use Sickle as a wrapper/dumping tool Sickle will work out of the box with any Python version (Including 2.7). I have only encountered issues when writing/testing 64 bit shellcode on a Windows 10 host. In order to avoid problems I recommend installing Python 3.4.4 (amd64) however any other Windows version should not have this issue. Should you be writing x86 shellcode, Windows 10 will work with any Python version e.g. Python 3.7.0a3.
Sickle is written in Python3 and to have full functionality I recommend installing capstone directly. If you don't need the disassembly function Sickle should work out of the box. Installation of Capstone is as easy as 1,2,3:
- apt-get install python3-pip
- pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- python3 install
If you don't compile your shellcode in NASM I have added an "objdump2shellcode" like function. Although I recommend using NASM for a streamline experience. If you use Black Arch Linux Sickle comes pre-installed. (previously known as objdump2shellcode):
root@kali:~# sickle -h
usage: [-h] [-r READ] [-f FORMAT] [-s] [-e EXAMINE] [-obj OBJDUMP]
[-m MODULE] [-a ARCH] [-b BADCHARS] [-v VARNAME] [-l]
Sickle - Payload development tool
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r READ, --read READ read bytes from binary file (any file)
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
output format (--list for more info)
-s, --stdin read ops from stdin (EX: echo -ne "\xde\xad\xbe\xef" |
sickle -s -f <format> -b '\x00')
-e EXAMINE, --examine EXAMINE
examine a separate file containing original shellcode.
mainly used to see if shellcode was recreated
-obj OBJDUMP, --objdump OBJDUMP
binary to use for shellcode extraction (via objdump
-m MODULE, --module MODULE
development module
-a ARCH, --arch ARCH select architecture for disassembly
-b BADCHARS, --badchars BADCHARS
bad characters to avoid in shellcode
-v VARNAME, --varname VARNAME
alternative variable name
-l, --list list all available formats and arguments