
Usefull Placeholders

Primary LanguageJava


Color Placeholder

Color Expansion

You can use this placeholder instead of a ColorCode.


r = Red Channel
g = Green Channel
b = Blue Channel


This placeholder produces the color Aquamarine.


Color Rgb Expansion

You can use this placeholder instead of a ColorCode. Cycles through all colours smoothly.


speed = Cycle Speed [ slow, fast, rapid]


This placeholder cycles through all colors slowly.


Color Rgb Wave Expansion

Displays a RGB wave on text.


speed = Cycle Speed [ slow, fast, rapid]
format = [                                  # You can add multiple Format Codes
            l = Bold
            n = Underlined
            m = Strikethrough
            o = Italic
text = Text the wave is displayed on        # "-" will be replaced with spaces


This placeholder displaces a Rainbow-Wave on Bold "Your Text".


Color Custom Cycle Expansion

You can use this placeholder instead of a ColorCode. Cycles through two colors smoothly.


speed = Cycle Speed [ slow, fast, rapid]
color1 = First Color                        # Uses Hex Codes like #7FFFD4
color2 = Second Color                       # Uses Hex Codes like #7FFFD4


This placeholder produces fast a Color Cycle from Blue To Aquamarine.


Color Custom Wave Expansion

Displays a wave color cycle on text.


color1 = First Color                        # Uses Hex Codes like #7FFFD4
color2 = Second Color                       # Uses Hex Codes like #7FFFD4
format = [                                  # You can add multiple Format Codes
            l = Bold
            n = Underlined
            m = Strikethrough
            o = Italic
text = Text the wave is displayed on        # "-" will be replaced with spaces
                                            # if the Text Equals #name# Text will be replaced by Playername


This placeholder produces a Color-Wave with blue and aquamarine on the Underlined Playername.
