
Jira Content for Google Data Studio

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is not an official Google product

This Data Studio conector let users consult Jira Software issues through their REST API.

Try the Community Connector in Data Studio

You can try out the managed deployment of the latest code: Jira Conectors for Alchimia

Remember that to use this connector you must have read access to the project in Apps Script, open the following link with your Google account with which you intend to use the connector Jira_report Apps Script. For more information, you can consult the community connector guide.

Connector configurations

Text Field Response
User Email of the user with privileges in the projects to consult.
API Token The token generated by the user can be obtained in Atlasin API Tokens
Subdomain Jira Cloud The domain that your cloud application uses. https://your-domain.atlassian.net
Jira Query Language Master filter to define projects, users etc... Jira Query Language
Based on worklogs When active, change the issue unit to worklogs, without losing data

Managed Fields

  • key
  • summary
  • issuetype
  • creator
  • assignee
  • reporter
  • priority
  • status
  • created
  • duedate
  • resolutiondate
  • components
  • labels
  • project
  • satisfaction (customfield_10204)
  • aggregatetimespent
  • time to first response
  • breached first response
  • time to resolution
  • breached time resolution
  • parent (key, summary, status, status name, priority, issuetype)
  • Worklogs (author, timespent, started, created)
  • requestType (for service desk)

Based on worklogs

It helps to obtain metrics about the time spent per user, regardless of whether more than one user collaborated on a task.

The use of this function can duplicate the registered incidents because it executes a unwind of the worklogs.