- abhshkdzFAIR, Meta AI
- albertsunThe New York Times
- armandidandehToronto, ON
- CalveinWTTJ
- chitacanSeoul, Korea
- chrisalcantara
- chrisspruckAspiring data analyst, open to work
- chriszsWashington, D.C.
- colingourlayABC News (@abcnews)
- crispamares@graphext
- denisfitz57
- dexter1691Georgia Tech
- enjoylifeUber
- etpinard@R2-inc
- eyeseast@MuckRock
- fabidTokyo
- gurmanbhNew Delhi, India
- HypercubedLouisville, CO
- kenlimmj@google
- kevinschaulThe Washington Post
- kgryte@stdlib-js @quansight @data-apis
- korsakov
- lfarrellUniversity of North Carolina Libraries
- LuisSevillanoOn the Spanish Plateau
- manishmalik
- martgnz@nytimes
- mazcnkiller
- nsonnadTaipei / NYC
- NVSan Francisco
- palerdot!Universe!
- rhydomako
- spepechenTaipei
- ThomasThorenChicago, IL
- timelyportfolioavailable
- troyericgThe New York Times
- wwymakLondon, UK