

CipherLex is a Go application that identifies occurrences of dictionary words within input text strings. It supports both original and scrambled word forms.

System Requirements

Go (1.x or higher)

How does it work?

graph TD
    A[Start] --> B[Load Dictionary]
    B --> C[Process Dictionary Words]
    C --> D[Load Input File]
    D --> E[Split Input into Chunks]
    E --> |For each chunk| F[Process Chunks in Parallel]
    subgraph Parallel Processing
        F --> G[Chunk 1]
        F --> H[Chunk 2]
        F --> I[Chunk n]
    G --> J[Merge Results]
    H --> J
    I --> J
    J --> K[Count Unique Matches]
    K --> L[Output Results]
    L --> M[End]
  • Start: The beginning of the program.
  • Load Dictionary: Reads the dictionary file.
  • Process Dictionary Words: Applies constraints and processes dictionary words.
  • Load Input File: Reads the input file (line by line, this is serial atm, we could leverage concurrency here as well. Its my todo.)
  • Split Input into Chunks: Divides the input text into chunks for parallel processing.
  • Process Chunks in Parallel: Concurrently processes each chunk to find matches.
  • Merge Results: Combines results from all chunks (more akin of 'reduce' step of mapR)
  • Count Unique Matches: Counts the unique dictionary words found.
  • Output Results: Formats and outputs the results per line.
  • End: The end of the program.

Getting Started

  • Download & build
git clone
cd cipherlex
go build -o cipherlex ./cmd
  • Run
./cipherlex --dictionary path/to/dictionary.txt --input path/to/input.txt
  • Example
./cipherlex --dictionary ./examples/1/dict.txt --input ./examples/1/input.txt

Dictionary File Format

  • One word per line.
  • No duplicates.
  • Words must be 2 to 20 characters long.
  • Maximum of 100 words.

Input File Format

  • One line of text per line.
  • Maximum of 100 lines.
  • Each line must be 2 to 500 characters long.


Outputs the number of unique dictionary words (in original or scrambled form) found in each line of the input file, formatted as:

Case #1: [count]
Case #2: [count]


Configurable parameters (via environment variables):

  • MIN_WORD_LENGTH: Minimum length of dictionary words.
  • MAX_WORD_LENGTH: Maximum length of dictionary words.
  • MAX_DICTIONARY_SIZE: Maximum number of words in the dictionary.
  • MIN_LINE_LENGTH: Minimum length of input text lines.
  • MAX_LINE_LENGTH: Maximum length of input text lines.
  • MAX_LINE_COUNT: Maximum number of lines in the input file.
  • CHUNK_SIZE: Size of chunks for processing input text.


From repo root,

go test ./...