
Write a program that will generate four(4) types of printable random

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Programming Challenge 101


  1. Write a program that will generate four(4) types of printable random objects and store them in a single file, each object will be separated by a ",". These are the 4 objects: alphabetical strings, real numbers, integers, alphanumerics. The alphanumerics should contain a random number of spaces before and after it (not exceeding 10 spaces). The output should be 10MB in size.

Sample extracted output :

hisadfnnasd, 126263, assfdgsga12348fas, 13123.123, lizierdjfklaasf, 123192u3kjwekhf, 89181811238,122, nmarcysfa900jkifh , 3.781, 2.11, ....

  1. Create a program that will read the generated file above and print to the console the object and its type. Spaces before and after the alphanumeric object must be stripped.

Sample output :

youruasdifafasd - alphabetical strings 127371237 - integer asdfka12348fas - alphanumeric 13123.123 - real numbers asjdfklasdjfklaasf - alphabetical strings 123192u3kjwekhf - alphanumeric


  1. Run npm install
  2. Run npm start and wait for awhile for it to generate the output in output/output.txt
  3. Set the OUTPUT_SIZE (in line 6: writer/program.js) to 10485760 (10MB), 1048576 (1MB), or 1024 (1KB) if desired.
  4. Run npm run reader and it will evaluate every results from before into output/result.txt