
  • Processing flow
    • If an excerpt is manually specified using <!--more-->, use the content before it as the excerpt.
    • If no excerpt is specified, extract text from the article (links, images, mermaid diagrams, etc. are ignored) and take the first excerpt_length (default 400, configurable) characters from the beginning of the text.
    • If the length of the extracted text is less than excerpt_length (i.e., the article is very short), use the entire text as the excerpt and end the processing. Otherwise, take the extracted text as the excerpt text.
    • (Optional) Extract the first image element from the article based on excerpt_img_selector, and insert the image element at the beginning of the excerpt text to create the final excerpt.
  • Configuration
    • Add the configuration to _config.yml. Default configuration is used if not specified.
    • excerpt_length is set to 400 by default and can be changed by specifying excerpt_length: 500.
    • excerpt_img_selector is set to '' by default, which means images are not extracted. It can be configured in any CSS selector format, such as excerpt_img_selector: 'img' (matching the first image element), excerpt_img_selector: 'img, pre.mermaid, figure' (matching the first image element, code block, or mermaid diagram, whichever appears first).


  • 处理流程
    • 已手动指定摘要时,用 <!--more--> 前面的内容作为摘要
    • 没有摘要时,从文章提取文字(链接、图片、mermaid 等内容会被忽略),从文字头部截取 excerpt_length 长度的字数(默认 400,可配置)
    • 如截取后的长度小于 excerpt_length(文章很短时),则直接使用原文(不生成摘要),处理结束,否则截取部分作为 摘要文本
    • (可选)按 excerpt_img_selector 从文章中提取第一个图片元素,并将该元素插入到 摘要文本 前面,成为最终摘要
  • 配置
    • 配置添加到 _config.yml 中,不配置时使用默认配置
    • excerpt_length 默认为 400,可修改 excerpt_length: 500
    • excerpt_img_selector 默认为 '',即不提取图片,可配置成任何 CSS 选择器格式,如 excerpt_img_selector: 'img'(匹配第一个图片元素), excerpt_img_selector: 'img, pre.mermaid, figure' (匹配第一个图片或代码块或 mermaid,哪个类型先出现用哪个)