Simple Unity Editor tool that helps create Animation Layers that a Binary Parameter can interface with for the VRCFaceTracking Melonloader mod.
Simply install the included .unitypackage in your Unity project! This tool will be available on the toolbar under Tools / VRCFaceTracking.
- Tooltips available on each setting that explain what to input or do!
Binary Parameter Tool comes with a few features, allowing quick and easy creation of Binary Parameter compatible Animation Layers. More is planned!
- Automatically create a Binary Parameter compatible Animation Layer with a few user-defined settings
- Configure the size of a Binary Parameter
- Supports Combined Parameters
- Tooltips on each setting.
- Automatically add Binary Parameters to the Parameter List on the VRC Avatar Descriptor.
- Ability to configure multiple parameters at a time (currently only one parameter can be created at a time).
- Potential support for saving and sharing Binary configurations with above feature.