
An interpolation and graphing calculator for cubic spline polynomials from a given set of points. Built with Next.JS and R Plumber API

Primary LanguageHTML

MAT 5101 - Cubic Splines Application




  • Wayne Matthew Dayata, Ivan Ric Woogue, Raymond Anthony Aya-ay


  • Frontend/UI: Next.JS
  • Backend/Server: R Plumber


  • /Solve Creates the cubic spline polynomials from a given set of points that can be used for interpolation. At least four (4) points are needed, and all the x-values should be unique.
  • /Plot Plots the formulated cubic spline polynomials based on the given set of points. Can only be called after /Solve is called.
  • /Predict Interpolates the cubic spline polynomials on a given value of x within the interval of the given points, and updates the graph showing the location of the predicted point. Can only be called after /Solve is called.

System Requirements

To run our application, ensure that Docker Desktop is installed on your Windows computer.

Link to the download site is https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/windows-install/.

Running the System

  1. Clone the application by typing the following command line using Git Bash or Command Prompt:
git clone https://github.com/20100215/cubic-splines-calculator.git
  1. Once Docker Desktop is downloaded, run the system using the start.bat file found in the root directory.

  2. The frontend and backend areas of the app will begin building. This will last for around 3-5 minutes.

  3. Once all the executions are complete, the following final line pops up:

final-project-mat5101-g1-frontend |  ✔ Ready in x.x s
  1. You may now access the built application by typing http://localhost:3000 in the address bar of your browser. Enjoy!