
SignBee is a sign language learning mobile app and website that is designed to make learning sign language alphabet fun.

Checkout our walkthrough of the SignBee game on YouTube here: or Play:

  • On your device, go to the link
  • Sign up to our app
  • On the dashboard page - click on the Learn page to learn and practice sign language gestures.
  • After exploring the Learn section, you can start to play the game and put your sign language alphabet knowledge to the test!
  • Tap on any of the honeycombs to play through four levels of increasing difficulty, and earn points.


Once the webcam is initiated, a player must follow prompts by making the corresponding hand gestures. The gestures are then detected and real-time accuracy feedback is provided to the player. If the gesture is correct, the player earns points to move through each level of gameplay. The player cannot move on to the next level until they pass the current one with 100% accuracy.


alt text alt text alt text

Technologies we used:


  • React
  • React Webcam


  • Tensorflow.js
  • Handpose Model
  • FingerPose Model
  • FireBase Authentication/Hosting/Storage
  • Firebase Cloud Firestore


  • Goncagul "Gloria" Ay
  • Julia Kravets
  • Leon Zhao
  • Naomi Diaz


We would like to thank Syauqy Burul Aziz, Jason Mayes, Jason Lengstorf and Nicholas Renotee for the resources they provided to make our app a reality!