Online Zarinpal Payment Extension For Yii2
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require mjm/zarinpal:"*"
or add
"mjm/zarinpal": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
Add the following code to your config/web.php
'components' => [
'zarinpal' => [
'class' => 'mjm\zarinpal\Zarinpal',
'callback_url' => ''
For example, imagine that you have a controller called this PaymentController at first you need 2 actions, one of them is for request payment and another is verify payment.
you need to use an storage to save your payments and payments status.
public function actionRequest()
/** @var Zarinpal $zarinpal */
$zarinpal = Yii::$app->zarinpal ;
// Change callback url (optional)
$zarinpal->callback_url = Url::to(['verify', 'id'=>123], true);
if($zarinpal->request(100,'Test Payment description')->getStatus() == '100'){
* You can save your payment request data to the database in here before rediract user
* to get authority code you can use $zarinpal->getAuthority()
return $this->redirect($zarinpal->getRedirectUrl());
echo "Error !";
public function actionVerify($Authority, $Status){
if($Status != "OK")
return ; //Payment canceled by user
/** @var Zarinpal $zarinpal */
$zarinpal = Yii::$app->zarinpal ;
if($zarinpal->verify($Authority, 100)->getStatus() == '100'){
//User payment successfully verified!
echo "payment successfully with referrer code: ".$zarinpal->getRefID();
elseif($zarinpal->getStatus() == '101') {
//User payment successfuly verified but user try to verified more than one
echo "duplicated verify payment";
echo "payment error !";