Project Name: Music Genre Classification from Lyrics


Project Id and title:

  • Team Number: 41
  • Project Id: 12
  • Team Name: Slow and Steady
  • Project Title: Music Genre Classification from Lyrics

Github link: https://github.com/Animireddy/SMAI_PROJECT_12.git

Team Members:

  • Animi Reddy 20161191
  • Sri Keshav 20161023
  • Sushman 20161143
  • Raghuchandra 20161305

Main goal(s) of the project:

  • Music Genre Classification from Lyrics

Problem definition (What is the problem? How things will be done?):

  • Problem is Music Genre Classification from Lyrics

  • We do it by the following way:

    1. Read train data from input.csv file

    2. csv file contains 2 columns - genre and song

    3. Creating Word vectors

    4. Convert all collected songs from input.csv to a matrix of token counts

      • This can be done by using inbuilt CountVectorizer() function from sklearn.

      • Matrix order: (No.of Songs in input.csv)*(Total No.of distinct Words)

    5. Give this matrix as input to Training model(like SVM) along with corresponding genre output matrix.

    6. Finally done with train model.

Results of the project:

  • We do following steps for a given testfile

    1. Convert all collected songs from testfile to a matrix of token counts

      • This can be done by using inbuilt CountVectorizer() function from sklearn.

      • Matrix order: (No.of Songs in testfile)*(Total No.of distinct Words)

    2. Call for predict function in train model and get the predicted output.

    3. With original output and predicted output we can find the accuracy obtained with the model.

Team members and tasks for each member:

  • Not yet decided.

Project milestones and expected timeline:

Task Expected time

  1. Collecting train and test data from online sources. 18-03-2019

  2. Build a model for the problem Not yet decided(may be last week of march or first week of April)

  3. Run on test data Not yet decided