
Unity3D UAV Simulation

Primary LanguageC#


Unity3D UAV Simulation

ROS Integration

Simple setup to get ROS on Linux VM connected to Unity3D on host computer

ROS Bridge

To connect ROS on VM to host computer, ROS-Bridge is required

Install: sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-rosbridge-suite
Run: roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
This creates a websocket on port 9090 by default

Connection in Unity3D

Edit line 29 in TurtlesimViewer.cs to use the VM IP address
ros = new ROSBridgeWebSocketConnection ("ws://VM.IP.ADDRESS", 9090);
The VM IP address can be found at the top right of VM (two arrows up/down) -> "Connection Information" -> IPv4 IP Address

Running System

To test connection, run the ROS turtle sim (http://wiki.ros.org/turtlesim) and run ROS-Bridge on the VM.
In Unity3D open RosScene and click Play.
Use arrow keys inside Unity to move turtle in ROS on VM