- wofi - menu launcher
- bmenu - alternative menu
- swaylock-fancy - lockscreen
- grim - screenshot and colorpick utility
- slurp - utility for selecting an area
- brightnessctl - for brightness control
- pulseaudio/pavucontrol - for audio control
- waybar - bar for swaywm
- nm-applet/network-manager-applet-indicator - wifi applet
- mako - nitification manager
- earlyoom - out of memory manager
- redshift/redshift-wayland - blue light filter
- blueman/blueman-applet - bluetooth applet
- parcellite - clipboard manager
- gthumb - image viewer
- nautilus - file manager
- mpg123 - play sound from terminal
- awesome font
- (polkit-gnome-authentication, qt5ct, tlp, tlp-rdw)
Shows how much windows is hidden in scratchpad
- Left mouse click - move to scratchpad
- Right mouse click - show windows from scratchpad
Plays sound when capacity <= 10% every 60 seconds
- green - charging
- default - discharging and capacity > 20%
- yellow - discharging and 10% < capacity < 20%
- red, blinking - discharging and capacity < 10%
- default - normal load
- yellow - load > 70%
- red - load > 90%
- $mod+Shift+r - reload
- $mod+Return - start terminal
- $mod+q - kill
- $mod+a - start applications menu
- $mod+b - start alternative terminal menu
- $mod+d - start run menu
- $mod+w - start browser
- $mod+e - start file manager
- $mod+0 - lock screen
- $mod+p - pick color
- Print - Take a screenshot of whole screen and copy it to clipboard
- $mod+Print - Take a screenshot of selected region and copy it to clipboard
- $mod+Shift+Print - Take a screenshot of focused window and copy it to clipboard
- Ctrl+Print - Take a screenshot of whole screen and copy to $HOME/Pictures/screenshots (You should create this folder)
- $mod+Ctrl+Print - Take a screenshot of selected region and copy to $HOME/Pictures/screenshots
- $mod+Ctrl+Shift+Print - Take a screenshot of focused window and copy to $HOME/Pictures/screenshots
- $mod+$left - focus left
- $mod+$down - focus down
- $mod+$up - focus up
- $mod+$right - focus right
- Soon