Multi-scale Traffic Pattern Bank for Cross-city Few-shot Traffic Forecasting

Primary LanguagePython

Multi-scale Traffic Pattern Bank for Cross-city Few-shot Traffic Forecasting


The data is in https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UrKTgR27YmP9PjJ-FWv4SCDH3zUxtc5R?usp=share_link. Please download it and save them in ./data

The pre-trained model is in https://drive.google.com/file/d/1URbZrV4UF6yxq7pP0PhEKJ_C8Ft9cO1b/view?usp=sharing. Please download it and save them in ./save

The pretrain model is in


The code is implemented in pytorch 1.10.0, CUDA version 11.3, python 3.7.0.

pip install torch==1.10.0+cu113 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html

How to train

To train the model in all setting, please run following command:

bash train.sh

or run the experiment on specific dataset with 64'threads and gpu 0 (PEMS-BAY as an example):

bash train_one.sh pems-bay 64 0

The result is in ./out/${data_list}/ , where ${data_list} is the source data. For example, if you pre-train in PEMS-BAY then the ${data_list} is chengdu_shenzhen_metr.

Pre-trained stuff

The pre-trained patch encoder and traffic pattern bank is contained in this repository. The pre-trained patch encoder is in ./save/pretrain_model and the traffic pattern bank is in ./pattern.

You can also pre-train and generate traffic pattern bank on your own by:

# Pre-train
bash pretrain.sh ${test_dataset} ${threads} ${gpu}
bash patch_devide.sh ${test_dataset} ${threads} ${gpu}
bash pattern_clustering.sh ${test_dataset} ${threads} ${gpu}

${test_dataset} is the dataset you want to build target data on. If you want to build target data on Shenzhen then the ${test_dataset} is shenzhen.