
One key install apps & system settings

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

OneKey - one key install apps & system settings

Install the applications and system settings needed for a new system with one click, get the system into working condition quickly.


  • Configuration file encryption
  • Support macos system dmg pkg zip file type
  • Support installation of app purchased from the Mac App Store
  • Support for installing Homebrew app
  • Support activate app or sync app config


Install the app using a script that automatically installs Node.js.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://onekey.dev/install)" [filePath] [password]


npm install -g onekey

Command line flags

npx -y onekey [filePath] [password] [tools]
  • filePath: configuration file address, support local file or remote url or Github gist.
  • password: secret key, if the configuration file is encrypted, it needs to be decrypted using the secret key.
  • tools: encrypt & decrypt tools, encrypt algorithm: aes-256-cbc. Online Tools
    • use -e to encrypt configuration files.
    • use -d to decrypt configuration files.



onekey <local file>.pack
onekey <https:// url>.pack
onekey <github username>/<gist name>.pack


Use the npx command to omit the installation step.

npx -y onekey <local file>.pack
npx -y onekey <https:// url>.pack
npx -y onekey <github username>/<gist name>.pack


Using an encrypted configuration file secures the data, but you must enter the correct secret key when using it.

npx -y onekey <local file>.pack <password>
npx -y onekey <https:// url>.pack <password>
npx -y onekey <github username>/<gist name>.pack <password>

Use encrypt & decrypt tools

npx -y onekey <local file>.pack <password> -e # encrypt local file
npx -y onekey <https:// url>.pack <password> -e # encrypt remote file
npx -y onekey <github username>/<gist name>.pack <password> -e # encrypt gist file
#==> hash code

npx -y onekey <local file>.pack <password> -d # decrypt local file
npx -y onekey <https:// url>.pack <password> -d # decrypt remote file
npx -y onekey <github username>/<gist name>.pack <password> -d # decrypt gist file
#==> yaml code

Configuration file content

The contents of the configuration file use YAML syntax, and the file extension must be .pack.

Note ⚠️

The name field identifies the application and is used to determine if the application is installed, so please use the correct application name.


- type: # operation type, app or command type
  name: # application name, only works if type is app
  alias: # application alias, for applications with non-English name, not required
  downloadUrl: # application install link, in the case of mac os, you can also specify the link for the intel and arm versions separately
  action: # action after application downloaded
    - install # install action for installing app, required
    - - active # active action for activate app or sync app config, not required
  description: # command description, only works if type is command
  cmd: # command to be executed, can be one or more command, only works if type is command


- type: app
  name: Notion
    - - intel
      - 'https://desktop-release.notion-static.com/Notion-2.0.23.dmg'
    - - arm
      - 'https://desktop-release.notion-static.com/Notion-2.1.0-arm64.dmg'
    - install
- type: app
  name: Spectacle
  downloadUrl: 'https://cdn.javis.cloud/apps/Spectacle%2B1.2.zip'
    - install
- type: app
  name: ColorSlurp
  downloadUrl: 'https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/id1287239339'
    - install
- type: command
  description: Turn dock auto hide on
  cmd: defaults write com.apple.dock autohide -bool true
- type: command
  description: Remove dock show delay
    - defaults write com.apple.dock autohide-delay -float 0
    - defaults write com.apple.dock autohide-time-modifier -float 0

Read more.



References and ideas