
An Ansible role that creates or renews a certificate with https://letsencrypt.org/ and optionally installs it to servers. Does not require root, stopping any processes, or installation of any software on the remote hosts

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Ansible Role for letsencrypt

An Ansible role that creates or renews a certificate with https://letsencrypt.org/ and optionally installs it to servers. Does not require root, stopping any processes, or installation of any software on the remote host(s).

This method currently only supports HTTP/S validation, it uses a proxy from your public facing website (probably over a private management network) to avoid installing or running anything extra on production servers.

Generated certificates will be put in letsencrypt_dir (default gen/letsencrypt), specifying letsencrypt_install_dir will make it also push to all hosts.


You need to have certbot or letsencrypt installed in your local environment path, or set variable letsencrypt_command.

To install either follow their directions, or to install directly to the current venv (I wasn't able to get it to find the correct deps for a direct from git install, hopefully it'll work from pypi soon):

git clone https://github.com/letsencrypt/letsencrypt
cd letsencrypt
pip install -e ../c/gh/letsencrypt/
pip install -e ../c/gh/letsencrypt/acme/

Proxy Setup

With ansible it's quite easy to configure a proxy from all your front end servers back to the deploy machine. Grab the address from the environment and apply where needed, some examples:

Apache, from config file template

{% set ansible_local_host = ansible_env.SSH_CONNECTION.split(' ')[0] -%}
<IfModule mod_proxy.c>
  ProxyPass "/.well-known/acme-challenge/" "http://{{ansible_local_host}}:{{letsencrypt_local_port}}/.well-known/acme-challenge/" retry=1
  ProxyPassReverse "/.well-known/acme-challenge/" "http://{{ansible_local_host}}:{{letsencrypt_local_port}}/.well-known/acme-challenge/"

  <Location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/">
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    Require all granted

Nginx, from config file template

{% set ansible_local_host = ansible_env.SSH_CONNECTION.split(' ')[0] -%}
server {
   listen 80;
   location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {
       proxy_pass http://{{ansible_local_host}}:{{letsencrypt_local_port}}/;
       rewrite /(.*) /$1 break;

Nginx, from ansible role jdauphant.nginx

    - listen 80
    - "location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {
        proxy_pass http://{{ansible_env.SSH_CONNECTION.split(' ')[0]}}:{{letsencrypt_local_port}}/;
        rewrite /(.*) /$1 break;

Role Variables

The only required variable is letsencrypt_certs which must be a list of dicts that contain at least domain and may also contain san as a list of Subject Alternative Names for the cert, and email if you want to override the cert email.

  - domain: example.net
# optional:
    sans: [www.example.net, example.com, www.example.com]
    email: admin@example.net
  - domain: example.org
    sans: [www.example.org]

If you want it to install the certs you must set letsencrypt_install_dir.

letsencrypt_install_dir: /srv/certs/

Default variables

# will use this @$domain for email address, overridable per domain
letsencrypt_email_user: root

# create cert locally for later sync
letsencrypt_local: True

# local port
letsencrypt_local_port: 7010

# always push certs to server
letsencrypt_force_install: True

letsencrypt_server: https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
# letsencrypt_command: letsencrypt
letsencrypt_dir: gen/letsencrypt
letsencrypt_config_dir: "{{letsencrypt_dir}}/config"
letsencrypt_work_dir: "{{letsencrypt_dir}}/tmp"
letsencrypt_logs_dir: "{{letsencrypt_dir}}/log"

# renew the cert when expiration is within this number of seconds, default is 21 days (email reminders come at 20 days)
letsencrypt_renew_at: 1814400
letsencrypt_cert_file: fullchain.pem

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - role: letsencrypt
      letsencrypt_install_dir: /srv/cert/
        - domain: example.net
          sans: [www.example.net, example.com, www.example.com]
          email: admin@example.net


Uses tag letsencrypt to only run these tasks, and will automatically renew if the certificate will expire in less than letsencrypt_renew_at seconds.

So as an example command to keep your certs renewed from a nightly crontab would be:

ansible-playbook -i prod site.yml --tag=letsencrypt



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