
A C# WinForms app for reading and parsing Teddy Ruxpin tapes, as well as generating animation signals from multiple sources including Bottango

Primary LanguageC#


A C# WinForms app for reading and parsing Teddy Ruxpin tapes, as well as generating animation signals from multiple sources including Bottango


  • Read and parse existing WoW Teddy Ruxpin tape recordings (WAV format tested)
  • Act as Bottango network driver
  • Monitor default microphone input or speaker (WASAPI Loopback) output and translate them into facial movements

Turn abovementioned sources into live animation data with an optional loopback (routed to teddy's speaker)


  • The library NAudio is from NuGet, written by Mark Heath. Source
  • The project AudioPPM is originally from Garrus007's solution PPMControl, although it has been modified. Source