There is a need to change flex-row -> flex-row-reverse
Ali-Javanmardi opened this issue · 5 comments
To make right arrangement of flex items when there is a flex-row parent, it needs to convert flex-row-reverse
as a good sample you can check this component :
This manual modification to final css created by tailwind did the job for me:
[dir="ltr"] .flex-row {
flex-direction: row;
[dir="ltr"] .flex-row-reverse {
flex-direction: row-reverse;
[dir="rtl"] .flex-row {
flex-direction: row-reverse;
[dir="rtl"] .flex-row-reverse {
flex-direction: row;
of course I made these change to all other flex-row classes for sm, md, lg, xl and 2xl
Yea this will help, But should care about scenario do not want to reverse it automatically.
Need a controller class to apply or prevent it.
I am agree with your comment,
That may suitable for this case but not in every situation.
Any how when I was playing with that component I had problem with arrangements and could solve it by mentioned above CSS modification.
I do not know when this modifications can make unwanted arrangement but can accept it is not useful for all cases.
@Ali-Javanmardi if I recall correctly, flex-row will lay elements left to right on LTR, and right to left in RTL, am I right? If you always want your children displayed in left to right, you need to add dir="ltr"
to the container, and dir="auto"
to the children components.
@ranisalt You are right, I checked many other things and they are working right with current setting.
But still there is a question about above sample I mentioned in first post.
If you open that component in browser and then change page direction from LTR to RTL you will find unordered connection lines.
As I wanted to find if it is usable in RTL pages I did above changes and it worked.
But I am agree with you that it may make problem with other components.
So although it may be a rare situation to face problem like mentioned above component I think there is a value to solve it in a better way.