Get your OuterView before your next Interview
- Sign into OuterView with your Google account
- Record yourself talking and see a live transcription
- Render Face Points and make some funny faces
- Emotions trained into machine learning model
- Happy, Sad, Surprised, Anger, Fearful, Disgusted, Neutral
- Say lots of filler words such as 'like', 'totally' and 'basically'
- Try different emotions with varying amounts of filler words to see the scoring algorithm work
- See your previous recordings in the All Recordings page
- Front-End
- React.js, React Hooks, Bootstrap UI, Rumble Charts
- Back-End
- Google Firestore: NoSQL Database for user and session records
- Google Cloud Storage: Cloud Storage for all videos and images
- Google Authentication: Allowing users to securely sign in with existing accoutns
- External API/Libraries
- Face-API.js: Tensorflow wrapper for facial recognition and emotion detection
- Web Speech API: Browser based speech recognition and analysis
- Deployment
- Google Firebase Hosting: Public URL pointing and hosting on
- Travis: Continuous Integration and Deployment
- Utilize WebRTC to practice interviewing skills live with another OuterView user
- Google Cloud AI sentiment analysis for a deeper and richer look
- Phrase fillerword detection ('sort of', 'you know', etc)
- Eye Contact and Posture tracking and scoring
Kush Patel - Charles Lucas - Michael Busto - Benny Khoker
- To install all dependencies:
npm run install
- To Run App!:
npm run start-dev
- Or just visit