The Open Event Standard Theme
The Open Event Theme is the standard theme component of the Open Event project. Open Event enables organizers to manage events from concerts to conferences and meet-ups. It offers features for events with several tracks and venues. Event managers can create invitation forms for speakers and build schedules in a drag and drop interface. The event information is stored in a database. The system provides API endpoints to fetch the data, and to modify and update it. Organizers can import and export event data in a standard compressed file format that includes the event data in JSON and binary media files like images and audio.
The theme package can be installed via bower (or) NPM (or) Yarn.
# With NPM
npm install @open-event/theme --save
# With Yarn
yarn add --dev @open-event/theme
Interested in making this theme even cooler ? Feel free to send a PR. You can easily start contributing.
git clone <repo-url>
cd open-event-theme
npm install
yarn gulp build
npm publish --access public
- Open Event Frontend - Deployed at
This project is currently licensed under the Apache License version 2.0. A copy of LICENSE
should be present along with the source code. To obtain the software under a different license, please contact FOSSASIA.