This is the public code repository of the entire website.
Purpose wants to be a website built by the community for the community.
The purpose is to create an open source platform containing a repository of code snippets and guides related to Symfony and submitted by users.
Documentation can be found in the doc/ folder: it's the main source of information regarding how SymfonyBrics works, discussions, drafts, etc... You are invited to spend some time on it and to contribute, tweaking doc it is a very very important task.
Philosophy of
When a developer (eg: you) has to face a difficult task for him/her, a common behavior should be (before spending x hours multiplied by 3) searching on internet if someone (more or less in order) already resolved that problem, or resolved a similar problem, or wrote something requiring help and someone other helped him.
Many times you found useful information, but it is often fragmentary, put in very different places and not consistent regarding the format. In one word: not organic.
The philosophy of follows two binaries:
provide a repository of publicly shared:
- recipes
- code snippets
- cookbooks
- suggestions
- help requests
- ... (what more?)
leave the development of the entire platform to the community, as well as containing many cool snippets of great code, wants to be itself an example of Symfony best practices. And more: the entire platform serves and is created by the community with an open-source philosophy, the same that distinguishes Symfony. If you are a Symfony lover, you should be definitively interested in!
How you can help
examine RFC 1 - Brick
comment the issue is the purpose of clear?
follow inmarelibero (me) and SymfonyBricks on Twitter
fork this repo to get a local working copy by following the instruction of this wiki page
you can keep in touch, watch, follow, tweet, retweet and many other beautyful bozzwords!
Who is behind
The repository mantainer is me, inmarelbero (twitter). I'm a Symfony lover and had this idea, simply.
This project may have been started for fun, but I think I'm not the only one having fun with Symfony.