University Management System (UMS)

Table of Contents

About 🎓

The University Management System (UMS) is a robust web-based platform designed to efficiently manage various aspects of university operations, serving the needs of administrators, faculty, and students. This repository hosts the codebase for the UMS.

Demo 🚀

Explore the UMS demo here.

Demo Credentials 🎫

To explore the UMS, you can use the following demo login credentials:

  • Admin

    • ID: ADM101
    • Password: Jmm2RAn(7-
  • HOD (Head of Department)

    • ID: HOD101
    • Password: n1AUpRo!w7
  • Faculty

    • ID: FAC101
    • Password: l*8a?u_8#M
  • TPO (Training and Placement Officer)

    • ID: TPO101
    • Password: hpPQmI*7fC
  • TTO (Time Table Operator)

    • ID: TTO101
    • Password: YCJQvsqm-n
  • Student

    • ID: 21CEUON144
    • Password: e8JIR#V$gW

Features ✨

UMS offers a wide range of features to manage university operations, including but not limited to:

  • User Management
  • Faculty Management
  • Course Management
  • Student Management
  • Announcement Management
  • Profile Management (Admin, TPO, TTO, HOD)
  • User Panels tailored to specific user roles

Installation 🛠️

To set up UMS locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the necessary dependencies using npm install.
  3. Set up your MongoDB database and configure the connection in the app.
  4. Run the application with npm start.
  5. Access UMS in your web browser at http://localhost:YOUR_PORT.

Usage 🖥️

  • Once you've set up the system, log in with the provided demo credentials to explore the UMS.
  • Depending on your role, you'll have access to specific functionalities and features.