
⛵ set sail with json-rigs ⛵

Primary LanguageRuby


Serve fixtured API responses quickly and easily. Runs a tiny sinatra server that serves static .json files or dynamic .rb files from disk. Control which fixtures are being used at localhost:port/test-panel Great for QA and fast prototyping.


From Rubygems:

just gem install json-rigs

From Source:

Check out this repo, cd into it, then

$ bundle install
$ gem build json-rigs.gemspec
$ gem install json-rigs


Make a folder called "fixtures" wherever you'd like to keep your fixtures.

  • Place .json files inside folders inside the fixtures folder as follows: ./fixtures/[url]/[HTTP method]/[response type].json (e.g. ./fixtures/users/GET/success.json)

  • Place .rb files in the same manner. .rb files should be of the form:

lambda {|params|
  if params['data']
    hash = {success: true, dynamic: "param 'data' was #{params['data']}"}
    hash = {success: false, error: "param 'data' was missing!"}

jrigs start from the folder one level above "fixtures" (e.g., if fixtures is at ~/Code/my-api/fixtures, run jrigs start from ~/Code/my-api)

Choose which fixtures you want active at localhost:3000/test-panel

Use localhost:3000 as if it were your normal API server! E.g., curl localhost:3000/resource will return the contents of ./fixtures/resource/GET/success.json if you chose the success fixture at localhost:3000/test-panel, or ./fixtures/resource/GET/failure.json if you chose the failure fixture, etc.


Run with jrigs start -t to get error print-out in your terminal. Ping me if you can't figure out how to fix it!