
Example project & walkthrough for remote debugging an ASP.NET Core application running inside a Linux Docker container, using Visual Studio 2017

Primary LanguageC#

Attaching to an existing ASP.NET Core process running inside a Linux Docker container

Debugging a Linux container using Visual Studio via SSH in this manner is pretty slow (~10 seconds to attach, and ~1s to perform any action through Visual Studio, such as expanding a node in the Locals tree)

Quick Start

~5 minutes, provided you have Visual Studio 2017 and Docker tools installed


  • Visual Studio 2017 is installed & updated to the most recent version
  • Docker for Windows is installed
  • Linux containers are enabled (right-click system tray icon -> Switch to Linux containers)
  • PuTTYgen.exe is downloaded (used to generate SSH keys)

1 - Generate SSH key

  • Open PuTTYgen.exe
  • Select SSH-2 RSA and 2048 bits
  • Click Generate and follow instructions to generate a key
  • Clone this repository
  • Copy the public key (entire contents of the textarea) into DockerDebug/authorized_keys
  • Conversions -> Export OpenSSH key -> (no passphrase) -> overwrite DockerDebug/openssh_privatekey

2 - Starting dotnet & attaching the debugger

  • Open Visual Studio 2017 in administrator mode and build the DockerDebug solution
  • docker-compose up --force-recreate --build
  • Visit to check that the site is running
  • Attach to Process (ctrl+alt+p)
  • Connection Type: SSH, Connection Target: -> press enter
  • Host name:, Port: 22, User name: root, Authentication type: Private Key, Private key file: browse to openssh_privatekey
  • Click Connect
  • Attach to dotnet process, and select "Managed (.NET Core for Unix)"


The container won't start

ERROR: for b4580af4d7ab_dockerdebuglinux_corelinux_1  Cannot start service corelinux: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint dockerdebuglinux_corelinux_1 (1689550ddf5db86ea5733d1e7153a82a0221f74163acc527e6a7c0532f07f25b): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error

Open Docker settings, Daemon tab, disable Experimental features

The debugger won't attach

  • Install chocolatey
  • choco install openssh
  • Move openssh_privatekey into C:\Users\<USERNAME> - otherwise openssh will refuse to use it
  • ssh root@localhost -p 9022 -i C:\Users\<USERNAME>\openssh_privatekey to ensure that we can access the container via SSH - this should provide some more helpful error messages if not

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