
Mostly from this article: https://medium.com/@pavel.agarkov/debugging-asp-net-core-app-running-in-kubernetes-minikube-from-visual-studio-2017-on-windows-6671ddc23d93

Testing this example

Building & pushing the image

Already done, see https://hub.docker.com/r/21robin12/debugging. Still need to build locally before debugging.

dotnet publish -c Debug
docker build -t docker.io/21robin12/debugging:0.1 .
docker push docker.io/21robin12/debugging:0.1

Deploying to k8s cluster

kubectl apply -f kubernetes.yaml
kubectl port-forward debugging-pod 1337:80

Now visit http://localhost:1337/api/values - should see an API response

Attaching the debugger

  • Update the absolute path to attach.xml in the following command
  • Update the absolute path to attach.ps1 in attach.xml
  • Run the following command from VS2017 Command Window
Debug.MIDebugLaunch /Executable:dotnet /OptionsFile:C:\_REPOS\DebuggingMIEngine\DebuggingMIEngine\attach.xml

Things to improve

Include installing debugger in Dockerfile (to save time on debugger startup)? How to do this only on dev images and not any that will go to production?